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  • Address: Jl. KH. Ismail Malik, Lorong Budiluhur, RT.22, No.19,Kel Mayang Mangurai, Kec Alam Barajo Kota Jambi Provinsi Jambi 36129 Indonesia
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Women's Leadership in Building Climate Change Resilience and Food Security

Berita By : Ibnu Andrian 24 January 2022

The Consortium of Walestra and LivE Foundation's continued facilitation support for women's group through a training on women's leadership in business management based on non-timber forest products in effort to build climate change resilience and food security which was held on 6-7 October 2021 in Syaila Hotel, Curup, Rejang Lebong district. This capacity building aims to strengthen the understanding of members of the five Environmental Care Women Groups about :

• To increase women group's understanding related to deforestation, the climate and food crises, and their impact on women
• To strengthen women's agency and leadership in dealing with the climate and food crises
• To increase women group's understanding related to sustainable management of forest areas and NTFP as a solution to the climate and food crisis
• and to increase women group's understanding related to strategies for managing non-timber forest products in a sustainable manner.

This activity is part of COMMUNITY-BASED MANAGEMENT IN KERINCI-SEBLAT NATIONAL PARK (KSNP) AND DEVELOPMENT OF SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITY ENTERPRISES IN NON-TIMBER FOREST PRODUCTS PROJECT in Jambi and Bengkulu province’s which is supported by the Rights and Resources Group through the Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI).

In the first day (6 October 2021), training was facilitated by Mrs. Swary Utami Dewi (Member of the Team for the Acceleration of Social Forestry and Climate Leader in Climate Reality). Swary facilitated sessions on deforestation, the climate and food crises, and their impact on women; and women's agency and leadership sessions in dealing with the climate and food crises.

In the first session, Swary first asked participants (in small groups) to share their knowledge about deforestation, the climate crisis and food crisis, and their impact on women, and then asked group representatives to share the group's work with other groups in turns. After that, Swary shared his knowledge about deforestation, the climate and food crisis, and its impact on women, and then invited participants to draw conclusions about deforestation, the climate crisis, the food crisis and its impact on women.

In the second session, Swary first shared her knowledge about women's agency and leadership related to deforestation, the climate crisis and the food crisis. After that, Swary asked participants (in small groups) to find and record examples of participant agency and leadership on deforestation, climate crisis and food crisis, and asked group representatives to share the results of their group work with other groups in turn. Then, Swary asked the participants (in small groups) to write a plan to address deforestation, climate crisis and food crisis.

In the second day (7 October 2021), the training was facilitated by Mrs. Catur Endah Prasetiani (Acting Director of Social Forestry Business Development and Customary Forests (BUPSHA), Directorate General of Social Forestry and Environmental Partnerships, The Ministry of Environment and Forestry Republic of Indonesia), and Mrs. Ida Saidah (Member of the Gender Mainstreaming Working Group of the Directorate Directorate General of Social Forestry and Environmental Partnership, The Ministry of Environment and Forestry Republic of Indonesia).

Presentation began by presenting the "Management of forest areas and NTFPs in a sustainable manner to deal with the climate crisis and food crisis" by Mrs. Catur Endah Prasetiani. In his presentation, Catur conveyed the policy changes regarding Social Forestry with the issuance of Government Regulation No. 23 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of Forestry, and Regulation of the Minister of Environment and Forestry No. 9 of 2021 concerning Social Forestry Management, which includes Forest Utilization Plans, Entrepreneurship Development Plans, and Social Forestry Business Development Plans. Catur also conveyed the Social Forestry Business Development strategies carried out by the government.

After that, Catur and Ida explained the material "Branding and Packaging", and then Catur and Ida asked each participant to design brands and packaging for products that have been and will be produced by KPPL Maju Bersama, KPPL Karya Mandiri, KPPL Sumber Jaya and KPPL Sejahtera, and the efforts that will be made by KPPSWD to communicate it, and ask each participant to explain the results of their work to other participants.

Then, Ida explained the material "Digital Marketing" while explaining how to create a Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Whatsapp account as an online shop, and how to create an account in market places such as Tokopedia, Shopee and Bukalapak, as well as tips on marketing products in online shops and market places.

This event is also an entry point for Participants to receive information on capacity building opportunities that could be facilitated by the Directorate of Social Forestry and Customary Forest Business Development (BUPSHA) of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry Republic of Indonesia in the future.

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