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A Consortium between WALESTRA and LiVE Foundation's Launches a New Project

Berita By : Ibnu Andrian 20 August 2021

On August 2021, a consortium project between the WALESTRA Foundation as the project lead and the LiVe Foundation as a consortium member carried out socialization and launched the COMMUNITY-BASED MANAGEMENT IN KERINCI-SEBLAT NATIONAL PARK (KSNP) AND DEVELOPMENT OF SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITY ENTERPRISES IN NON-TIMBER FOREST PRODUCTS PROJECT in Jambi province and Bengkulu province. This project is supported by the Rights and Resources Group through the Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI).

In Bengkulu province, socialization and launched of the project was conducted on 7-8 August 2021 in five Environmental Care Women Groups (Kelompok Perempuan Peduli Lingkungan - KPPL) that is Pal VIII, Tebat Tenong Luar, Karang Jaya, Sumber Bening and Teladan villages. In Jambi province, the same activity has also been carried out on August 13, 2021 in the Forest Farmers Group (Kelompok Tani Hutan - KTH) of Renah Kasah village.

Through the socialization activities as well as the launch of this project, it is hoped that the communities village and the village government will know about a series of project activities that will be facilitated by Walestra and LiVe Foundation's in an effort to encourage community-based management of the KSNP and buffer area's.

In Bengkulu province, project socialization activities in village sites begin by informing the series of activities that will be carried out to develop Joint Business Entity for Women's Groups Based on Non-Timber Forest Products by Assistant Project Coordinator, Dedek Hendry. There are several project activities that will be carried out by Consortium of Walestra and LivE Foundation's with a number of women group include: 1). Facilitate the establishment of Joint Business Entities for Women's Groups based on non-timber forest products, 2). Facilitate Business Management Capacity Building, 3). Launching of Cooperative Business and Policy Dialogue related to the development of women's group businesses, 4). Producing book of Story of Change from Kerinci and Rejang Lebong project location and Dissemination of the book, after that the socialization event was followed by discussion and question and answer session. After the discussion session was completed, Assistant Project Coordinator asked each women's group administrator to schedule a meeting to elect 4 representatives from each women's group in order to establish and run a joint business entity (cooperative).

In Jambi province, project socialization activities in village site began with the delivery of remarks by Head of Renah Kasah Village as well as official opening of the socialization event, followed by the delivery of a series of project activities to be carried out in the Renah Kasah village by Project Coordinator, Desri Erwin. In this event, Project Coordinator conveyed a series of project activities that will be carried out by consortium together with community village include: 1). The formation of a participatory mapping team, 2). participatory mapping training both in theory and practice for participatory mapping team, 3). Facilitate the participatory mapping team conduct mapping activities for conservation partnership area, 4). Facilitate the study of forest degradation level for conservation partnership area at project location, where this study will be carried out by experts (short-term consultants) and will be assisted by the people of Renah Kasah village, 5). Facilitate KTH of Renah Kasah village to submit proposals for Conservation Partnership areas and the signing of a conservation partnership agreement document between the KTH and management authority of KSNP, 6). Facilitate KTH of Renah Kasah village to build a nursery center. After that the socialization event was followed by discussion and question and answer session.

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