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  • Address: Jl. KH. Ismail Malik, Lorong Budiluhur, RT.22, No.19,Kel Mayang Mangurai, Kec Alam Barajo Kota Jambi Provinsi Jambi 36129 Indonesia
  • Phone: 0741- 3064572
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Layanan publikasi yang disediakan didalam tampilan ini ditujukan untuk penyebarluasan informasi kepada para pihak dan bersifat umum. Jika ingin menggunakan data dan informasi yang disediakan didalam tampilan ini mohon untuk mengutip sumbernya.

  • REDD+ Strategy and Action Plan of Jambi Province 2012-2032

    The purpose of preparing the REDD+ Strategy and Action Plan of Jambi Province is the availability of documents to be a guideline for policy directions in the long, medium and short term for provinces and districts/cities in efforts to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, carbon conservation, increase forest carbon stocks. and sustainable forest management. The Founders and Co-Founders of the WALESTRA Foundation, namely Ibnu Andrian and Desri Erwin, were members of the team that wrote this document. 31 January 2022    

  • Weaving of the Knowledge and Share Learning with Communities in Forest Management

    This book contains stories and field notes from April 2016 - March 2018 which were documented by the Consortium of the Walestra - ICS - CFES foundation's during their facilitation of the project "Community-Based Forest Conservation and Mitigation of Climate Change in the Kerinci Seblat Landscape" funded by the Indonesia Climate Change Trust. Fund (ICCTF). 27 January 2022    

  • Final Report of Participatory Action Study for Socio-Economic Data Collection & Institutional Review of Villages in the Buffer Zone of the Berbak Ecosystem

    To support the implementation of the activities of The Zoological Society of London (ZSL) through the Berbak Carbon Initiative Project, especially in determining the location of pilot villages and designing forms of activities that are in accordance with village and socio-cultural potentials, accurate data and information about villages is very much needed. The intended data group includes data on village administration, demography, land, socio-economic, forest resources around the village. In addition, information related to forest area management issues, ownership of land resources at the community level and types of conflicts that occur in villages around forest areas is also needed as well as the existence of local institutions at the village level. Based on the considerations above, it is necessary to conduct a "Participatory Action Study for Socio-Economic Data Collection & Institutional Review of Villages in the Buffer Zone of the Berbak Ecosystem", which generally aims to collect and update data on villages and communities around the Berbak Ecosystem area. Administratively, this ecosystem is located in Tanjung Jabung Timur and Muaro Jambi districts. 25 January 2022    

  • SK Kepala Desa Renah Kasah No. 09/RK/VIII/2021

    SK Kepala Desa Renah Kasah No. 09/RK/VIII/2021 Tentang Pembentukan Tim Pemetaan Kawasan TNKS Yang Terdegradasi Yang Berada di Sekitar Desa Renah Kasah Tahun 2021 24 January 2022    

  • SK Bupati Kerinci Nomor 660/Kep.340/2018

    Tentang Penetapan Hutan Hak Adat Biang Sari Desa Pengasi Baru Kecamatan Bukit Kerman 12 September 2019    

  • SK Bupati Kerinci Nomor 660/Kep. 343/2018

    Tentang Penetapan Hutan Hak Adat Parbokalo Bungkan Yang Empat Desa Talang Tinggi Dan Desa Mukai Tinggi Kacamatan Siulak Mukai 12 September 2019    

  • SK Bupati Kerinci Nomor 660/Kep. 341/2018

    Tentang Penetapan Hutan Hak Adat Bahung Batu Desa Mukai Pintu Kecamatan Siulak Mukai 12 September 2019    

  • SK.774/MENLHK-PSKL/PKTHA/PSL.1/2/2018

    Tentang Pencantuman Penetapan Hutan Adat Imbo Larangan Pematang Kulim Dan Imbo Larangan Inum Sakti Kepada Masyarakat Hukum Adat Dusun Mengkadai Desa Temenggung Seluas 115 (Seratus Lima Belas ) Hektar Di Dusun Mengkadai Desa Temenggung Kecamatan Limun Kabupaten Sarolangun, Provinsi Jambi Dalam Peta Kawasan Hutan 12 September 2019    

  • SK Bupati Kerinci Nomor 660/Kep.344/2018

    Tentang Penetapan Hutan Hak Adat Bukit Kayu Sigi Desa Tanjung Genting Kecamatan Gunung Kerinci 12 September 2019    

  • SK Bupati Kerinci Nomor 660/Kep. 345/2018

    Tentang Penetapan Hutan Hak Adat Bukit Gedang Desa Pendung Hilir Kecamatan Air Hangat 12 September 2019