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kami tidak bisa melakukannya sendiri, kami butuh dukungan anda, saran, kritik serta aksi anda, untuk membuat perubahan ke arah yang lebih baik.

  • Address: Jl. KH. Ismail Malik, Lorong Budiluhur, RT.22, No.19,Kel Mayang Mangurai, Kec Alam Barajo Kota Jambi Provinsi Jambi 36129 Indonesia
  • Phone: 0741- 3064572
  • Email: office@walestra.or.id

Programme Scope and Strategy

15 August 2019


1. To promote the establishment of sustainable natural resource management and democratic
2. Encourage participation of Indigenous peoples and local communities for natural resource management in sustainable and democratic way
3. Encourage the emergence of participatory natural resource policies, transparent, accountable, equitable and democratic for the realization of environmental and natural resource management in a sustainable manner and to guarantee the rights of indigenous and local communities in natural resource management.


1. Encouraging conservation efforts as mentioned in the legislation and other relevant regulationsi n the forestry sector
2. Community capacity buiding in sustainable natural resources management to achieve critically and independent community.
3. Increasing community awareness toward conservation efforts and their rights to natural resources management in a sustainable and fair way.
4. Encourage and strengthen the implementation of the principles of good forestry governance in order to support the realization of natural resources management in a sustainable and fair way
5. Facilitating conflict resolution over the dispute of natural resouces and environment
6. Advocating policies related to natural resource management issustainable, fairandmainstream the interests of marginalized
7. Conduct studies and research regarding policy, management rights, as well as conservation efforts in order to realize natural resources management in a sustainable and fair way
8. To develop democratic Walestra institution to become independent and professional
9. As a source of information and communication in an effort to realize natural resources management in a sustainable democratic way.