On August 13, 2021, WALESTRA Foundation facilitated a workshop on formation of participatory mapping team in Renah Kasah village, Kayu Aro sub-district, Kerinci district, Jambi province, Sumatran island, Indonesia.
The workshop related to the formation of a participatory mapping team was divided into 2 (two) event sessions. In the first session, Walestra’s Field Facilitator conveyed the intent and purpose of forming a participatory mapping team, then explained what the mapping team needed to do when the land mapping activity was carried out later. In the second session, Walestra’s field Facilitator facilitated the process of the Renah Kasah village community to selecting of village members who would become members of the participatory mapping team. After the complete number of members of the participatory mapping team was obtained, then this participatory mapping team was legalized through decree from the head of the Renah Kasah village.
Participatory mapping team was formed and legalized through a decree from the Village Head of Renah Kasah Number 09/RK/VIII/2021, who will be tasked with village administrative areas and boundaries, existing land use, land use plans, forest areas around their villages which will be proposed to be managed through a Conservation Partnership (Kemitraan Konservasi) scheme between community group at the village level with the Kerinci Seblat National Park Agency. Before the mapping team conducts participatory mapping activities, they will be given participatory mapping training so that they can carry out their duties properly as expected.