During August 12, 2021 to September 8 2021, the Consortium of Walestra and LivE Foundation's through the Assistant Project Coordinator, Dedek Hendry, facilitated a series of group meetings with five Environmental Care Women Groups (Kelompok Perempuan Peduli Lingkungan - KPPL) that is Pal VIII, Tebat Tenong Luar, Karang Jaya, Sumber Bening and Teladan villages.
Series of group meetings was held to assist women's group in preparation for the establishment of a joint business entity. From a series of meetings that have been held, all five women's group agreed to the establishment of a joint business entity. Each women's group has also selected 4 representatives from each women's group in order to establish and run a joint business entity (cooperative), as well as can be involved in influencing policy makers and public as stated in the minutes of agreement for each women's group. In addition, 4 representatives from each selected women's group agreed to be involved in writing and photography activities periodically every month on an independent basis.
On 18-19 November 2021, the Consortium of Walestra and LivE Foundation's continue facilitation support for women's group to organize a workshop on the cooperative establishment in Syakila Hotel, Rejang Lebong district. This workshop aims to strengthen the understanding of 20 participants (prospective founder of women's cooperative institutions) about cooperatives, facilitate cooperative formation meetings, elect cooperative management and supervisors and discuss the draft cooperative articles of association.
The first day of the workshop, started with a speech session by the Section Head of Region IV of Kerinci Seblat National Park (KSNP), Mr. Hadinata Karyadi. In his speech, Hadinata really appreciated the initiative of the women group of KPPL Maju Bersama, KPPL Karya Mandiri, KPPL Sumber Jaya, KPPL Sejahtera and KPPSWD to establish cooperatives, and conveyed the opportunities for collaboration that could be built between cooperatives and management authority of KSNP.
The opening remarks were also delivered by the Head Division of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises, Mrs. Lusfita Martharina, from the Trade, Cooperatives, Small and Medium Enterprises and Industry (TCSMEI) Office of Rejang Lebong District. In her opening remarks, Lusfita Martharina also greatly appreciated the initiative of 5 women's groups who wanted to establish cooperatives in the forestry sector. Moreover, the establishment of a women's cooperative in the forestry sector will be the first in Bengkulu Province. For this reason, TCSMEI Office of Rejang Lebong District promised to be ready to assist the process of establishing cooperatives, and to assist cooperative management if they encountered obstacles and challenges in managing cooperatives.
After the opening speech session of the workshop was completed, the workshop was continued with a presentation session from several speakers, the first, presentation related to "Basic Cooperative Science" by Syahrullah, Section Head of the Cooperative and SME Business Development from TCSMEI Office of Rejang Lebong District. After the delivery of the presentation material was completed by Syahrullah, it was followed by a discussion and question and answer session.
The next presentation session was delivered by Josmir Hutapea, a functional officer from TCSMEI Office of Rejang Lebong District with the delivery of presentation materials related to "The Terms and Stages of the Formation of Cooperatives". After the presentation was completed by Josmir Hutapea, it was followed by a discussion and question and answer session.
After the discussion and question-and-answer session was completed, then the workshop participants were given the opportunity to discuss the establishment of cooperatives, decide on the type of cooperative to choose and the name of the cooperative, discuss the composition of the management and supervisory bodies, and choose people to fill the composition of the management and supervisory bodies.
Based on the results of the deliberation, 20 participants from five women’s group agreed to establish a cooperative with the type of producer cooperative, and the name that was determined was the Producer's Cooperative of Women Conserving Forest. The participants also agreed that the board consisted of 1 chairman, 1 deputy chairman, 2 secretaries and 1 treasurer, and the supervisory body consisted of 1 chairman and 2 members. Through democratic elections, finally the representatives of the five women's group agreed to choose the composition of the cooperative's management.
The governing body consisting of the Producer's Cooperative of Women Conserving Forest:
Chairman : Rika Nofrianti
Deputy Chair : Wahyuni Saputri
Secretary 1 : Ella Deskomariatno
Secretary 2 : Rike Vevry Dwiyani
Treasurer : Feni Oktaviana
Supervisory body of the Producer's Cooperative of Women Conserving Forest :
Chair : Rita Wati
Member : Eva Susanti
Member : Donsri
On the second day of the workshop, the workshop started with a discussion between the founder of the cooperative and Mashita, staff from the Notary Office & Land Deed Maker Safado Nugroho Widiatmo, SH. In the discussion, Mashita asked for confirmation from the founder of the cooperative whether the establishment of the cooperative would be followed up with the making of the deed of the establishment of the cooperative. If it is continued with the making of the cooperative's establishment deed, Mashita will order the name of the cooperative through the online site to the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia. After receiving confirmation from the founders of the cooperative, Mashita ordered the name of the Women's Forest Conservation Producers Cooperative in online site https://panduan.ahu.go.id/doku.php?id=pesan_nama_koperasi, and the order for the name of the cooperative was immediately approved.
Furthermore, Mashita invited the cooperative founders to discuss the main types of business and supporting businesses that will be run by the cooperative by matching them with the Indonesian Classification of Business Field Books (KLBI), which can be accessed online. After looking for it in the KLBI book and discussing the information contained in the KLBI book, the cooperative founder agreed types of business to be run by the cooperative including :
1. Other Non-Timber Forest Concession with code number 02139,
2. Wholesale Trade which sells Various Kinds of Goods with code number 46900,
3. Wholesale Trade which sells Food and Beverages of Other Agricultural Products with code number 46319,
4. Restaurant with code number 56102,
5. Meeting Organizing Services, Travel, Conference and Exhibition Organizing Services with code number 82301.
After that, the founder of the cooperative reads and discusses the draft articles of association that have been provided by TCSMEI Office of Rejang Lebong District. The draft articles of association will be discussed at the women's group level and will consult the results with the TCSMEI Office of Rejang Lebong District.
The arrival of the four cooperative administrators was received by the functional officer of TCSMEI Office of Rejang Lebong District, Mr. Josmir Hutapea. Four cooperative administrators submitted the draft cooperative articles of association that had been prepared to Josmir Hutapea for input. After discussing for almost 2 hours, the draft of the cooperative's articles of association was considered final.
On December 7, 2021, four cooperative administrators (Rika Nofrianti Wahyuni Saputri, Rike Vevry Dwiyani and Feni Oktaviana) visited the office of Notary & Land Deed Making Officer Safado Nugroho Widiatmo, SH to submit all requirements for the cooperative deed like as photocopies of the ID cards of the management and supervisors, minutes of the agreement for the establishment of the cooperative and draft of cooperative articles of association.
Their arrival was attended by Mrs. Mashita, staff of Notary & Land Deed Making Officer, Safado Nugroho Widiatmo, SH. After Mashita checked all the required conditions, and it was declared complete, Mashita began to register the making of the cooperative deed into the work list of the Notary & Land Deed Making Officer Safado Nugroho Widiatmo, SH.